The Challenge

For a long time, there has been a distinct lack of Métis voices and awareness of Métis culture across Canada, despite Métis people accounting for over a third of the Indigenous population in Canada. Discussions and an exposition of knowledge needed to happen to help the Canadian public, and even the Métis community itself, better understand what being Métis is truly about, and how the Métis people have, and are currently, influencing the culture and shape of Canada.

The Solution

Métis Nation BC and Jelly Marketing partnered to build out a Métis-centric podcast that would help create awareness of, and generate discussions about, Métis issues. Exploring learning, healing, and rebuilding within the Métis community – including, but not limited to, discussions about Michif language revitalization, gender equity, residential schools, and two-spirited champions. Guests have included a large spectrum of Métis cultural representatives, from musicians and bead-work artists to representatives in regional and national goverment, and of course Elders of the Métis community.

The Results


with a total of 40 Episodes, and counting

guests interviewed
episode downloads
episode listens

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