Why Co-op Students Are Your Secret Weapon

August 26, 2016

Co-op students and interns are meant for coffee-making, right? Wrong. At least not from what I’ve experienced at Jelly. Co-op students, with their constant desire to learn and grow, can be valuable assets to your team. Their fresh skills are far from rusty and they’re always willing to experiment. Here’s three reasons why Co-op students can be amazing contributors to your team.

They’ll Bring Your Ideas to Life

Have a great idea that hasn’t had time to take off? Your Co-op students might be the creative addition you’ve been looking for to help get it off the ground. If there’s a campaign or experimental initiative you’ve been looking to try, your Co-op student is the one to do it. They’re always looking to learn and try something new, so they’re already willing and able to take on the job. Their thirst for knowledge will allow them to execute it the way you want to see it done. It’s a win-win: You get to see your idea blossom, and they’ll learn something new and add it to their resume!

Their Skills are Fresh

Co-op students are likely learning the latest in technology. For example, you likely won’t find a design student struggling to use the most current programs and techniques. Any relevant experience is likely recent and fresh in their minds, making them eager and ready to be put to work.

You Get to be a Mentor

It’s been said that your best learning comes through teaching. By teaching someone else the ways of the industry, you refresh yourself on the rules and regimes. Also, it’s pretty rewarding to watch someone grow and develop as a young professional under your organization’s wing. Who knows, maybe they’ll be incredibly successful one day because of a skill you nurtured. They won’t forget it.

by Tiana Marconato

