​The 3 Most Important Aspects Of Digital Advertising

October 6, 2016

Author - Portrait

Digital Advertising with a PR Agency

A lot of what we do here at Jelly involves online advertising. From retargeting ads, to search, display, click to site, page like ads, post engagement ads, video view ads and local awareness. There is a lot that goes on behind the scenes to maximize our client’s visibility.

For that, we have the one-girl power train of digital advertising. In this week’s expert advice, we turn to Brianna, who tells you her top 3 tips to make your ads shine.

1. Targeting:

If you want your campaign to succeed, you must know where your audience is. Not only geographically, but also your audience’s demographics, interests, behaviours and style. It’s absolutely crucial that you get your ad in front of the person you are intending to and that you choose your approach and angle in terms of what your audience will actually receive and respond to.

2. The Call to Action:

This one should be a no-brainer. If you don’t tell your viewers and consumers what they are supposed to do, they probably won’t do anything. Remove the guessing – make it clear to your audience what you expect of them when they hear from you.

3. Trend:

With Jelly’s creative initiative and know-how on the latest digital technology, we’ve been able to put a much heavier emphasis on advertising in a medium that users are especially eager and willing to absorb right now: mobile video. While some areas of advertising are getting less attention from their audience at this point in time, video consumption continues to grow exponentially – particularly on mobile platforms.

