Choose Your Digital Marketing Agency Wisely

December 2, 2016

Choose A Digital Marketing Agency Wisely

With Industry leaders and digital marketing agencies glorifying how Google Analytics has revolutionized marketing, we thought we would share an interesting perspective written by Samuel Scott, director of marketing and communications for;

How Google Analytics Ruined Marketing

Wait… What?

Contrary to popular belief, Google Analytics is not where the story ends. It’s just another tool to keep in the ‘ol toolbox. There are numerous reasons to incorporate digital strategy into a communications portfolio, and the ability to monetize consumer behavior and engagement provided by Google Analytics has led some marketers to believe that all of their eggs are safe in the GA bucket. Well times and technologies have changed, but the saying remains the same.

The point that Samuel is trying to get across:

Google Analytics is not a foolproof way to analyze your marketing strategy. Simply having conversions tracked from a social media account doesn’t necessarily mean that was the sole way your marketing plan worked. It is crucial to take a holistic approach to marketing, to understand how to analyze your data. Don’t rely fully on Google Analytics, make sure to change up your strategy, but don’t always disregard channels that have worked in the past. Scott also argues that traditional channels like television commercials should not be disregarded, however it does face more challenges with regards to attributing your ROI. He stresses that both online and offline strategies need to combine their synergy for the optimal outcome.

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Know Your Terminology

Scott stresses the difference between strategy, content and channel. Due to the accessibility of digital channels to consumers, quality of content is especially pertinent to any successful marketing campaign. The concept isn’t new, but it’s certainly evolved. Feedback with regards to the factors of success and failures of your campaign through tools such as Google Analytics are more accessible now than ever to you as well as your competiotors, it’s what you do with that information that makes you unique.

‘The fault of marketing analytics platforms such as Google Analytics is that they track the source of traffic but not the cause of that traffic’

There are hundreds of other resources that can be used to gain more concrete feedback, rather than just utilizing the one platform. That’s where most companies need help. There’s a wealth of information out there, and the time consuming factor is figuring out what works best for you.

Consumers are being inundated with ads so much that most have taken measures to ignore them altogether. which have all seemed to blur in common terminology like ‘social media marketing’, which is why as the savvy business professional that you are, you know that you need to know the difference, or work with someone who does.

Hire a Digital Marketing Agency That Gets It

Just like traditional marketing, digital marketing requires diversification, trial and error and multiple channels to deseminate your message as widely (or as targeted) as needed. Google Analytics are a helpful tool to give you an idea of success factors, but knowing how to use that data and continually adapting your strategy is a deep venture into the rabbit hole.

Digital marketing diversification graphic

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