4 PR Tactics You Should Start To Implement

July 27, 2022

Reading Time: ~3 Mins | Written by Emma Whiten

A successful public relations strategy is a result of significant trial and error. Whether we’re starting a brand new business or trying to regenerate interest in a more established one, PR gives us the tools and insight to better position a brand. That being said, finding the right combination of PR tactics can be a whole challenge on its own.

Many variables determine the best combination of PR tactics when planning new strategies for your brand. Fit is determined by budget, goals, team size, industry relationships, and existing coverage – just to name a few. To get started and refresh your current strategies, brands can implement and measure the results of newly introduced tactics. Over time, we’ll begin to see clear results in return for our time and efforts. Here are a few PR strategies that we recommend implementing to refresh your brand’s public image:

Earned Media Coverage

Not every brand has a large budget, but every brand has valuable knowledge. Finding ways to share the knowledge that is unique to you with relevant media and industry contacts can be one of the most effective PR tactics. News publications and journalists are often met with an offensive number of emails, pitches and press releases. Finding ways to better position your brand so that it is relevant and unique can help you break through the noise and better increase media opportunities. By becoming a reliable and informative resource for journalists, you can build relationships and as a result, increase media mentions. This coverage comes at the cost of detailed research and well-timed pitches but is achievable when well positioned. 

Paid Sponsored Content

When we think of PR, we often think of the earned media coverage mentioned above. However thanks to our rapidly changing media environment and circumstances, we’re seeing a greater reliance on paid media content, specifically sponsored content. Known by many names, sponsored content is long-form written articles that are presented as organic content but feature the same characteristics as advertisements. Sponsored content articles allow brands to share stories and personal news that might not be deemed newsworthy on its own. Prices vary with publications but enable brands to create meaningful and well-performing content. 

Additional Expert Positioning

Although media mentions and buys are a large portion of public relations strategies, many additional methods work to better position a brand. Outside of news media, we can look for additional mediums such as podcasts, award opportunities, and influencer partnerships to better establish our brand with the public. As a guest speaker for a specific industry podcast or the recipient of an industry award, brands can associate themselves with strong industry recognition and expertise. 

Experiential Events

Events and experiential marketing are specialized sections of PR that not all brands choose to venture into. For certain reasons (cost, time, and staffing), these tactics can appear a bit overwhelming, especially for smaller brands. That being said, events and experiential marketing offer significant opportunities for brands that are willing to take on the challenge. Much like the points mentioned above, experiential events only need to be as complicated as you make them. An intimate influencer dinner event can meet your goals just as well as a larger investment – as long as you define your goals and expectations ahead of time. 

If you’re looking for some extra tips on how to make your PR strategies creative, check out our other blog, 4 Creative Ways to Boost Your PR Strategy!