Everyone Loves Getting LEGO for Christmas

December 9, 2015

You might be wondering why Jelly is giving our clients, agency VIPs and media friends a LEGO set for Christmas. Here’s why:

1. We like giving gifts. 

This year, we thought long and hard about how we could give gifts more intentionally: something that really spoke to who we are. (We started brainstorming in the spring!) And, in the spirit of Christmas, we planned what kind of gift would be remembered, enjoyed and appreciated.

2. We celebrate creativity. 

We felt like LEGO would be a great chance for our partners to have some fun, play with some creative pieces, and enjoy themselves. We didn’t want to send a typical gift. We wanted them to interact with and enjoy their gift this year. And yes, adults can still play with LEGO.

3. Everyone we work with is unique.

We knew that one homogenous gift for all our partners wouldn’t work. We also knew that each person would take the set and build it uniquely depending on their style. Some would really focus on building the jelly jar while others would focus on making a fun and creative set up with the people (Jelly staff) and animals. We like the thought of each gift being appreciated in different ways.

4. We don’t take ourselves too seriously.

We’re allowing our partners to take our two Jelly characters and do whatever they want with them. Sounds risky, ya? Relationships are always a risk though, and we’re okay with that. Sure, we supplied a LEGO newspaper, cell phone, laptop, fruit and vegetables, various animals and some surprises, but hey, the sky’s the limit on what partners choose to do with it all!

5. We want to keep building awesome things with you. 

We love our partners and the longevity of our time together. We know that together we can build things: awesome things. Together we’re able to build great campaigns, experiment with ideas, build momentum for brands, and help businesses grow.

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