We not only care about what we do, but also how we go about our business. Jelly Digital Marketing & PR is driven by values. We provide digital marketing services that are guided by five core principles: fairness, prudence, humility, temperance, and courage. As foundational considerations, our team of high-energy go-getters ensure we amplify clients’ brands comprehensively.
As a result of our tireless efforts, Jelly Digital Marketing & PR has received an award from Clutch. In the B2B service provider’s annual report, we are named as a top healthcare PR agency!

To determine industry leaders, Clutch engages an extensive research methodology. The Clutch team analyzes a company’s market presence, portfolio, and verified client feedback to rank businesses. Client reviews are essential to the ranking as they best reflect the quality of a firm’s services and its ability to deliver. Contributing to this award, several satisfied clients from both non and for-profit sectors have provided their feedback to Clutch.
We provided an excerpt below:

In analyzing several factors of a successful partner, Clutch has determined Jelly Digital Marketing & PR to be a 5-star agency!
Not only successful in PR, we have been featured on The Manifest as one of the top SEO agencies in Vancouver! A sister site of Clutch, The Manifest provides business news and how-to guides, which help B2B buyers make informed hiring decisions.
B2B buyers can find more research on Visual Objects, which hosts the creative portfolios of industry leaders. By providing content visually, the platform helps users imagine the results of a potential collaboration.
Jelly Digital Marketing & PR happy to be recognized by Clutch as an industry leader. Our team will continue to innovate, ensuring our clients’ businesses, products, and messages are head by the right people.
If you’re ready to step outside of the box, we’re ready to meet you there.