How CDAP Helps Canadian Businesses Run Effective Digital Ad Strategies in 3 Key Ways

November 24, 2022

Digital marketing is essential for any business that wants to stay relevant and reach new customers. But, it can be difficult to keep up with the latest trends and technologies. CDAP (Canadian Digital Adoption Program) is a program that helps Canadian businesses to leverage digital technologies through the help of an authorized digital service advisor.

CDAP grants provide funding for up to 90% of the cost, making this a virtual no-brainer. Ultimately, this can help businesses to improve their digital game, become more in tune with technology, and inevitably boost their business performance. Here are some of the top ways that digital advisors and companies can help Canadian businesses through CDAP. 

Assess What the Competitors Are Doing 

As a business owner, it’s important to keep an eye on your competition, and this is one of the tasks that will be done via a CDAP. The digital advisor will take a holistic look at what ads your competitors are running and which platforms they are using, all of which can help you gain valuable insights into their marketing strategies.

For example, if you see that your competitors are running ads on Facebook and Google, you might want to consider doing the same. If you notice that they’re using LinkedIn to reach out to potential customers, you can use that information to adjust your own marketing strategy accordingly.

By taking the time to assess what your competitors are doing, you can stay one step ahead of the competition and make sure that your business is getting the exposure it deserves.

Audit Your Own Digital Ad Efforts

If you’re like most digital marketers, you’re always looking for ways to improve your campaigns and get better results. It can be difficult, however, to know where to start or how to gauge your progress. Enter CDAP. 

With CDAP, the digital advisor will audit your campaigns to see how they’re performing, provide helpful tips on improving them, and see how your current efforts compare to past campaigns. Not only will you be able to get an expert review of what you have done in the past, but you will also better understand some of the best practices that can improve your future digital marketing endeavours. 

Build Out a Holistic Digital Ad Strategy

Digital marketing is no longer an isolated function. It must be part of a holistic marketing strategy that takes all of your business functions into account. 

This is where CDAP can help. It takes into account all of the channels you need to succeed, including Google Ads, Facebook Ads, TikTok Ads and more! Above all, this strategy will be specifically catered to your needs and your unique brand. There is no such thing as a one-size-fits-all strategy, and it is important that your strategy is designed to fit your business and where you want it to be. 

CDAP can help you build a comprehensive digital ads strategy that covers all of the necessary bases in a unique and thoughtful design. This can help you succeed in new and creative ways while also gaining a better understanding of the digital ads landscape. 

With the world’s constant shift to a more digital approach, it is important that you understand how your business needs to adapt and change. With a focus on creating curated actionable strategies, CDAP is absolutely something that you should be looking into. For more information on this fantastic program check out the “Grow Your Business Online Grant” to see if your business is eligible to apply.