Create a Landing Page that Works – Oli Gardner

June 14, 2016

Oli Gardner from Unbounce

Unbounce’s Co-Founder Oli Gardner has seen more landing pages than anyone on the planet.

He speaks internationally on conversion-centered design, having authored the marketing theory behind its seven principles.

At Unbounce, Oli lives in front of a 20-foot whiteboard, mashing up usability, interaction design, and landing page optimization to create better conversion experiences. His disdain for marketers that send marketing campaign traffic to a homepage is legendary, and he was recently named “The 2015 Marketer to Watch,” in the under 43 category, by his mother.

In this episode we discuss

Where Oli’s interest in business and optimization came from

How Oli was horribly misled by his career counselor

Born in a bar – What were the early days of Unbounce like?

What would Oli do differently if he started Unbounce again?

What is Unbounce?

The benefits of using Unbounce

Oili Gardner, Co-Founder Unbounce

The different uses of a landing page

For Unbounce, why a landing page is more powerful than a resume

How to create a landing page that gets results:

  • The importance of clarity
  • The words you use for a call to action
  • Why the word “free” isn’t always a good word to use
  • Why you should ask for a business email address in your forms

How to do A/B testing better. Hint: do it longer

How do you optimize a low traffic site?

How marketing agencies use Unbounce as the core of their business offering

Oli’s worst speaking experience: Teaching an eight hour workshop to a Polish speaking audience

What can be above the fold and what can be below the fold on your landing page:

  • Tip keep your video above the fold for better a response
  • Your form can be below the fold.
  • The impact of having your call to action lower on your landing page

Selected links from this interview

How to reach Oli

Email: [email protected], and Twitter @oligardner

Something we forgot to mention…

Unbounce has a podcast! Check it out at



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