6 Tips to Stay Ahead of the Competition: Digital Ad Resolutions for 2023

December 30, 2022

Reading Time: ~5 Mins | Written By: Stephen Klein

As the New Year approaches, that means it is time for a holiday favourite: New Year’s Resolutions! However, instead of goals surrounding fitness, going to bed on time, or watching less Netflix, there are far greater things at stake for 2023.

Digital ad strategies for the next year and beyond should be top of mind for marketers and advertisers. Knowing which trends to watch and how to keep ahead of the competition is essential in the ever-changing landscape of digital advertising. With this in mind, here are some New Year’s resolutions that can help you stay informed about digital ad trends in 2023.

Advertise Using Organic Content

The use of organic content for digital advertisements continues to trend upward in the marketing realm. For example, companies are increasingly using influencers to help promote their product or service in an authentic and organic way. Influencers are seen as thought leaders and have a large following on social media, making them a great choice for companies wanting to advertise in an organic manner. 

Advertising using organic content is becoming more popular every day as trends continue to shift away from traditional ads and towards unique yet personal ways of promoting products or services. People want something that’s authentic, not just a generic ad that has nothing to do with them personally. This is something that you need to keep in mind as you advertise your way into the New Year. 

Use TikTok as an Advertising Platform

TikTok has been one of the hottest trends for digital advertising this year and it’s only getting hotter. With an easy-to-use ad manager, marketers have access to a wealth of tools for reaching their target audience. One of the biggest advantages is that TikTok offers some of the most specific targeting options available in digital ads today. 

Not only can you target people by location, age and gender, but you can also hone in on users with certain interests or hobbies. This makes it easier than ever to find potential customers amongst your target audience – increasing your chances of success and improving ROI. 

With all these features, it’s no wonder why more companies are turning to TikTok as their go-to ad platform. This is something that you and your business should do as well, and make it one of your top resolutions for 2023. 

Be Ready to Phase Out Universal Analytics

Are you ready to say goodbye to Universal Analytics? Google is phasing out its current version of the data analysis tool and replacing it with its newer GA4. On July 1, 2023, Universal Analytics will no longer be actively tracking, so this is something you need to be aware of coming into the New Year. 

For those who have yet to make the switch, this might seem daunting. But don’t worry, GA4 offers a plethora of new capabilities that can help you get an even better understanding of how your website is performing. With its enhanced tracking power and available data, you’ll be able to collect more accurate data and learn valuable insights about your customers behaviour quickly and effectively. 

Make Employees a Part of the Brand

In the brave new world of digital marketing, employees are becoming an important part of businesses’ marketing output. By leveraging the humanness of their brand, companies are finding success in engaging with their audience and driving awareness for their products. It is no secret that trends in digital marketing are constantly changing, but one trend that stands out is making employees a part of the brand.

By featuring employees as real people on social media or advertising, brands can create a sense of trust and authenticity with consumers. Consumers will be more likely to engage with content if they feel that it’s coming from an actual person rather than just a faceless company logo. Incorporating employee stories into campaigns helps to create genuine relationships between customers and brands – something that has become increasingly important in today’s market.

Keep Up With Trends Reports and Industry Experts

Now more than ever, staying informed of the current trends in digital ads and digital marketing is key. Keeping up with reports from respected publications like Wordstream, SEJ, and Hubspot can be incredibly helpful when trying to stay ahead of the curve. 

Similarly, following key industry experts is essential for long-term success. They may provide you with the knowledge needed to stay ahead of the competition and make sure your company is always making informed decisions regarding marketing strategies.

Staying on top of the trends isn’t just about understanding what’s happening now; it’s also about being ready for the future. Companies that understand and invest in new technology such as artificial intelligence or even things like the Metaverse will be better prepared for success in the future. 

Book Quarterly Meetings with Reps of Advertising Platforms 

​​Are you a business looking to get the most out of your digital ad campaigns? Are you curious about the trends and changes in digital marketing but don’t know where to start? Setting up quarterly meetings with reps from the advertising platforms that you’re using is an excellent way to understand how to optimize your digital ads. 

The meetings will give you an opportunity to learn more about the technical aspects of digital ads, such as targeting methods, bidding strategies and creative optimization. With this information in hand, it’ll be easier for you to maximize performance and reach your desired results. You’ll also have a better understanding of the latest industry trends so that you can adjust or prepare for any upcoming shift in consumer behavior. 

With these 6 New Year’s resolutions in your back pocket, you will certainly have a strong foundation for keeping up with the trends of 2023. Ranging from specific platform usage, to overarching trend research and understanding, these tips can help make you a digital marketing wizard. If you’re looking to learn more and grow your business, check out our Digital Ads service that is available to you today.